
8h45 - 9h00 : Coffee reception



9:00-9:15 : Introduction (Ewen LESCOP and Julie MÉNÉTREY)

(Chairs : Magali Mathieu and Pierre Montaville)

9:15-10:15 : Harald SCHWALBE (Univ Frankfurt, INSTRUCT-ERIC) - New contributions of integrated structural biology to develop antiviral inhibitors Contributions from NMR Frankfurt and Instruct-ERIC

10:15-10:35 : Valérie CAMPANACCI (I2BC) - Structural convergence for tubulin binding of CPAP and vinca domain microtubule inhibitors.

10:35-10:55 : Rémi RUEDAS  (I2BC/Sanofi) - Integrative approach for cryo-EM structure resolution of antibody-antigen complexes.

11:00-11:30 : Coffee break

(Chairs : Stéphane Roche and Emmanuelle Schmitt)

11:30-11:50: Zahra MAROUF (I2BC/ICSN) - Deciphering the interactions of Cyclodipeptide Synthases with their shortened tRNA substrates by NMR, crystallography and biophysical approaches.

11:50-12:10: Pavlina DUBOIS (ENS Paris-Saclay) Control of Rac1 inactivation by RacGAP1 on membranes.


12:20-1:30 : Lunch

(CNRS catering autumn rooms)


(Chairs : Agata Nawrotek and Ewen Lescop)

1:40-2:00 – Discussion 1 - Teaching at BSI@Paris-Saclay  (en français)

                             Invited : Sylvie Nessler  and Herman Van Tilbeurgh


(Chairs : Sylvie Berger and Ewen Lescop)

2:00-2:20 : MésoCentre – Data / Computing – Guillaume BERNADAT (BIOCIS)

2:20-2:40 : Soleil – CryoEM - Andy THOMPSON

2:40-3:00 : FRISBI - CryoEM - Stéphane BRESSANELLI (I2BC)

3:00-3:20 : InfrAnalytics - Carine VAN HEIJENOORT (ICSN)


3:30-4:00 : Coffee break

4:00-4:30 – Goals of BSI@Paris-Saclay?           (Chairs : Ewen Lescop and Julie Ménétrey)


(Chair : JB Charbonnier)

4:30-5:30 - Discussion 2 - CryoEM, an integrative approach (en français)

  1. Towards Cellular Structural Biology - Invited :  Frédéric Jamme and Tatiana Isabet (Soleil)
  2. Use of AlphaFold in CryoEM  - Invited :  Pierre Legrand


5:30-5:45 – Closing

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